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University of California Cooperative Extension Ventura County
669 County Square Drive, Suite 100
Ventura, CA 93003
Phone: 805.645.1451
Fax: 805.645.1474

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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

The office will be closed for the following holidays:

November 11 - Veterans Day 
November 28-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday
December 24-25 - Christmas Holiday
December 31 - January 1 - New Year Holiday 

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Water Quality Resources for Strawberry Growers in Ventura County*

Prepared by Julie Newman, Farm Advisor
UCCE Ventura County
February 18, 2011



 UC ANR Publications

This is not a comprehensive list; these publications and many others are available at the ANR Catalog: http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/.

1917 Strawberry Deficiency Symptoms: A Visual and Plant Analysis Guide to Fertilization. 1992.
3497 Watersheds, Groundwater and Drinking Water: A Practical Guide. T. Harter and L. Rollins.2008.
8071 Sediment Management Practices for Strawberries. D Mountjoy. 2002.
8085 Groundwater Sampling and Monitoring.T. Harter.2003.
8118 Evaluating Water Quality. T. Hal. 2004.
8119 Pesticide Selection to Reduce Impacts on Water Quality. G. Ferruzzi. 2004.
8123 Nutrient Management Goals and Management Practices for Strawberries. G. Ferruzzi. 2004.
8161 Pesticide Choice: Best Management Practice (BMP) for Protecting Surface Water Quality in Agriculture.  R. Long, J. Gan, M. Nett. 2005.
8195 Vegetative Filter Strips for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control in Agriculture.M. Grismer, T. O’Geen, D. Lewis. 2006.
8203 State and Federal Approach to Control of Nonpoint Sources of Pollution. J M Gerstein. 2006.
8211 Storing Runoff from Winter Rain. L. Schwankl, T. Pritchard, B. Hanson. 2007.
8332 Farm Water Quality Plan. M. Bianchi. 2004.
8390 Establishing Hedgerows on Farms in California.R. Long, J Anderson. 2010.
3351 Integrated Pest Management for Strawberries. L. Strand. 2008.
9005 Field Fumigation. By S. Cohen, T. Martin, M. L. Flint. 2009.

Some Publications Available from Other Universities

Extension programs in Northeast Florida Help Growers Produce Quality Strawberries by Improving Water and Nutrient Management. R. Hochmuth, D. Dinkins, M. Sweat, E. Simonne. 2003. University of Florida IFAS Publication HS-956.

Nitrogen Fertilization of Strawberry Cultivars: Is Preplant Starter Fertilizer Needed? B. Santos and A. Whidden. 2007. University of Florida IFAS Publication HS1116.

Strawberry Fertilizer Guide for Western Oregon. J. Hart., A. Sheets, L. Martin. 2000. Oregon State University.



AgNic facilitates and participates in partnerships and cooperation among institutions and organizations world-wide that are committed to the identification, delivery and preservation of reliable, freely-available, evaluated, digital content and quality services for agriculture, food, and natural resources information.


ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service is managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the USDA's Rural Business-Cooperative Service. It provides information and other technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, extension agents, educators, and others involved in sustainable agriculture in the United States. ATTRA Publications provide information related to sustainable farming. There are several ATTRA publications related to organic strawberry production.


The EXTension TOXicology NETwork (EXTOXNET) is an effort of University of California, Davis, Oregon State University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, and the University of Idaho. The EXTOXNET InfoBase provides a variety of information about pesticides, and can be used to select pesticides to minimize runoff.

Northwest Berry and Grape Information Network

This network is a comprehensive information and communications resource for berry and grape production practices, research, and marketing sponsored by Oregon State University, Washington State University, the University of Idaho, and the USDA Agricultural Research Service. Strawberries information.

UC Farm Water Quality Planning Program

The Farm Water Quality Planning program is a coordinated effort by the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources cooperating with the Natural Resource Conservation Service. The goal is to improve water quality education to the irrigated agriculture industry in California.  A number of resources can be accessed from this website including all of the Farm Water Quality Fact Sheets. County specific water quality resources and contacts are available although some of the contact information has not been updated since the educational programs were completed in 2007.

UC Fruit and Nut Research and Information Center

The Center provides best management practices developed by UC Cooperative Extension and direct connections to cutting edge research, new technologies and innovations, as well as practical advice in fruit and nut production. Strawberry information.


The UC IPM website contains information about managing agricultural pests, including UC's official guidelines for monitoring pests and using pesticides and non-pesticide alternatives for managing insect, mite, nematode, weed, and disease pests. Pest Management Guidelines for Strawberry. Pesticide properties and water quality risk information are also available.

UC Davis Agricultural & Resource Economics Coastal Conservation Practice Studies

The UC Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics has “Studies for Central Coast Conservation Practices” available in pdf format. Each study describes a particular practice and provides a partial budget table estimating costs (costs per unit and reduced returns) and potential benefits (additional returns and reduced costs) for its installation, operation and maintenance. Costs and benefits are shown for low, representative and high cost scenarios. More detailed information on labor and material inputs for the representative scenario is contained on two additional tables. Cost studies include an annual cover crop, grass filter strip, grassed waterway, water/sediment control basin, on-farm row arrangement (including strawberry) and hedgerow planting, among others.

UC Riverside PesticideWise

This website can be used to search through a comprehensive EPA-USDA database and find critical information on a pesticide's properties and water quality risks.

UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

The UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP) provides leadership and support for scientific research and education in agricultural and food systems that are economically viable, conserve natural resources and biodiversity, and enhance the quality of life in the state's communities. SAREP serves farmers, farmworkers, ranchers, researchers, educators, regulators, policy makers, industry professionals, consumers, and community organizations across the state. Program areas include biologically integrated farming systems, methyl bromide alternatives, organic farming information, and crop production, among others. There is also a database on cover crops.

UC Small Farm Program

The UC Small Farm Program focuses on the challenges and opportunities of California's small-scale farm operators. Field and marketing research aimed at the needs of small- and moderate-scale farmers is developed and provided to farmers who are often not reached by traditional extension programs. Clients include farmers of many different cultures who operate a wide variety of farming operations, often with limited resources.

UC Water Resources Center

The mission of the UC Water Resources Center is to stimulate and support water and water-related research. One program, The UC Cooperative Extension Water Quality Program, seeks to reduce the need for restrictive regulation and, in a manner that maintains agricultural productivity, avoid economic hardship and sustain an economical, safe supply of food and fiber.

UC Weed Research and Information Center

The Weed Research and Information Center is an interdisciplinary collaboration that fosters research in weed management and facilitates distribution of associated knowledge for the benefit of agriculture and for the preservation of natural resources.



UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) is the public service division of the University of California, focusing on issues relating to agriculture, natural resources and communities. UCCE is a collaboration between UC and the County of Ventura. This county-based service is your direct connection to University knowledge and expertise.

Complete list of UCCE county advisors and research scientists working on strawberries.

Oleg Daugovish, Ph.D. Farm Advisor
UC Cooperative Extension
669 County Square, Ste. 100
Ventura, CA 93003-5401



Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) are special districts organized under the California Public Resources Code. They have no regulatory function, but are charged with carrying out natural resource conservation programs within their boundaries. RCDs can provide public education, hire employees, provide technical assistance, enter into cooperative agreements, charge for services, own and or operate land, apply for grants and provide guidance to partnering agencies and organizations on conservation issues. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has entered into mutual agreements with RCDs nationwide to provide technical assistance, free of charge, to landowners and others with conservation needs. RCDs working in cooperation with NRCS have been providing assistance to land users, schools, groups, organizations and the general public for more 60 years.

Ventura County Resource Conservation District (VCRCD) has a lead role in the implementation of the measures recommended for agriculture water conservation including on-farm evaluations, such as mobile irrigation lab irrigation evaluations, and workshops, field tours and expanded educational services. VCRCD also has a vital role in helping Ventura County growers comply with conditional waiver requirements by facilitating best management practices (BMPs) implementation and conducting surveys to help growers identify mitigation practices and develop water quality plans. Technical expertise and field experience of NRCS conservation specialists can be accessed to assist landowners in solving their natural and agricultural resource challenges. VCRCD assists in the preparation and review of Hillside Erosion Control Plans on new agricultural developments in critical areas (sloping lands) and co-manages the Calleguas Creek Permit Coordination Program that will significantly simplify the permitting process for those wanting to undertake certain conservation practices.

Ventura Resource Conservation District
3380 Somis Road,  P.O. Box 147
Somis, CA 93066

Marty Melvin, Executive Officer

Emmanuel Gonzalez, BMP Specialist
office: 805-386-4489 ext 114
mobile: 760-200-7413

Vic Akundzadeh, Irrigation Technician for Mobile Lab
805-386-4489 ext 113

Tracy Zaragoza, Program Outreach Specialist (Mobile Lab and grower assistance with funding)
mobile: 798-1122



The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), a federal agency of the USDA, is responsible for providing natural resource conservation assistance to private landowners. NRCS staff  have expertise in soils, engineering, wildlife biology, range and cropland management to provide comprehensive resource management planning to landowners. Various publications, including management practice technical guides, and services are available on the website. The NRCS provides free technical planning assistance to farmers, ranchers, and rural land owners to address resource concerns. Some NRCS offices may also have specialists that work exclusively on water quality issues as part of the AWQA. The NRCS provides assistance to landowners through several voluntary USDA cost sharing and incentives programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), which offers financial and technical assistance to eligible participants for the installation of vegetated, structural and management practices such as soil erosion, water quality and quantity improvements, and wildlife habitat restoration. Limited resource producers and beginning farmers and ranchers may be eligible for cost-share up to 90 percent. Online EQIP application. A list of NRCS offices and associated District Conservationists are listed below. The District Conservationist in each office can arrange for a site assessment and consultation with hydrologists, engineers, and other NRCS staff.

Somis Service Center;

Dawn Afman,District Conservationist USDA-NRCS
3380 Somis Road, P.O. Box 147
Somis, CA 93066



Farm Bureau of Ventura County

The Farm Bureau of Ventura County provides information, research, insurance services, an agricultural weather forecasting service (available by subscription), and other benefits to its members. It publishes a monthly newsletter, as well as the quarterly Central Coast Farm & Ranch magazine. The organization also established and provides key support to the Ventura County Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, a nonprofit that solicits tax-deductible contributions to finance academic scholarships, research grants, and educational activities. Furthermore, the organization manages the Ventura County Agricultural Irrigated Lands Group, which was established in 2006 to help growers and agricultural landowners comply with state water-quality regulations. The Farm Bureau of Ventura County is a member of the California Farm Bureau Federation, a statewide organization with chapters in 56 counties. California Farm Bureau Federation is a member of American Farm Bureau Federation, a national organization of farmers and ranchers with member organizations in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

John Krist, Chief Executive Officer
Farm Bureau of Ventura County
5156 McGrath St., Suite 102, P.O. Box 3160
Ventura, CA  93006

California Strawberry Commission

The California Strawberry Commission (CSC) is a state-chartered agency of the California Department of Food and Agriculture representing California strawberry shippers, processors and growers funded by self-taxation or assessments on California strawberry growers. CSC provides information, research, an educational calendar, publications, and other services for the California strawberry industry. Activities and projects include food safety, trade relations, marketing communications, production and nutrition research, and public policy. Annual Research Reports.

Ventura County Irrigated Lands Group

VCAILG is the conditional waiver group for Ventura County landowners who wish to comply as a group to requirements of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board conditional waiver requirements. VCAILG is administered by the Ventura County Farm Bureau. . Member of the group, representing more than 92 percent of the irrigated acreage in the county, pay annual assessments to fund a water-quality monitoring program. The group reports the results of that monitoring to the state, and has begun addressing pollution concerns by adopting new management practices designed to protect water quality.

Dale Zurawski, Water Quality Program Manager
Farm Bureau of Ventura County
5156 McGrath St., Suite 102, P.O. Box 3160
Ventura, CA 93006



 Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Region 4)

Region 4 includes all coastal watersheds of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, and small portions of Kern and Santa Barbara Counties.

320 W. 4th Street, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Ag Waiver Program: (See also Ventura County Irrigated Lands Group)

Jenny Newman
Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board


*Additional services in other counties that may be available to Ventura County strawberry growers are listed in “Water Quality Resources for Strawberry Growers in Ventura County and the Central Coast”.