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Contact Us

University of California Cooperative Extension Ventura County
669 County Square Drive, Suite 100
Ventura, CA 93003
Phone: 805.645.1451
Fax: 805.645.1474

Office Directory

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

The office will be closed for the following holidays:

February 17 - President's Day
March 28 - Cesar Chavez Day
May 26 - Memorial Day  

Room Reservation Requests


Helpful Links

Topics in Subtropics Newsletter: http://ceventura.ucdavis.edu/news/Topics_in_Subtropics/

UCCE Ventura: http://ceventura.ucdavis.edu/ contains avocado handbook

UC Fruit & Nut: http://fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu/

UC Integrated Pest Management Program: http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/

UC Small Farm Center: https://sfp.ucanr.edu/ 

UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Center: https://sarep.ucdavis.edu/ 

UC Postharvest Inform: http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu

UC Publications: https://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/ 

UC Library Search: http://melvyl.cdlib.org/

UC Agricultural Labor Management: http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/ucce50/ag-labor/

The following links are to sites outside of the UC domain. No endorsement is intended of products, services or information, nor is criticism implied of similar sites that are not mentioned.

Julia Morton's Rare Fruit Descriptions: http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/index.html

California Rare Fruit Growers: https://crfg.org/ 

USDA Market News Service: http://www.ams.usda.gov/

Great Avo Info: http://www.avocadosource.com/

Ventura County Ag Commissioner: http://portal.countyofventura.org/portal/page/portal/AgCommissioner

ATTRA, source of diverse ag info: https://attra.ncat.org/