University of California
Cooperative Extension Ventura County
Special DMV License Plate Supports Agriculture
The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) have joined in an effort to help support agriculture in the state with a program that donates a portion of the sales of a new specialty agriculture license plate.
The specialty plates read “California Agriculture” and feature a colorful graphic of an agricultural field at the side. Approximately $1 of the plate fee will go to support agricultural education, agricultural career awareness, agricultural career training and youth leadership development in the state.
7,500 pre-orders were required by spring 2012 before the DMV could begin producing the plates. They achieved that goal and the plates are now available through the DMV website.
If you are interested in a cool, new license plate and supporting agriculture, visit the DMV website at to pre-order your plates.