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Posts Tagged: Habropoda miserabilis
Why Silver Digger Bees Are Like Gold
Why silver digger bees are like gold... Remember those "long lost" silver digger bees found last...
Close-up of female silver digger bee, Habropoda miserabilis, taken at Waldport, Ore. in 2015. (Copyrighted Photo by Leslie Saul-Gershenz. Used with Permission)
Habropoda miserabilis male and female—the male is mate-guarding the female after mating with her, preventing her from mating with other males. (Copyrighted photo by Leslie Saul-Gershenz. Used with permission)
This graphic, the work of Leslie Saul-Gershenz, details information on the male and female of the species.
The Amazing Bee-Parasite Research of Leslie Saul-Gershenz
Evolutionary ecologist Leslie Saul-Gershenz goes places where many have been but few have ever...
Leslie Saul-Gershenz in the Channel Island National Park conducting a native bee survey.
Leslie Saul-Gershenz doing field work on bee nesting beds of the solitary bee, Nomia melanderi, in Walla Walla, Wash. (2010-2015).
A digger bee, Habropoda pallida, with blister beetle larvae. (Photo by Leslie Saul-Gershenz)