Posts Tagged: fruit
Invasive Pest Spotlight: Mediterranean Fruit Fly
The invasive pest spotlight focuses on emerging or potential invasive pests in California. In this...
Carey Engages Audience in California's Fruit Fly Crisis
If you missed UC Davis distinguished professor James R. Carey's well-attended seminar on...
UC Davis distinguished professor James R. Carey presented a seminar on "California's Fruit Fly Invasion: A 70-Year Struggle Nears Critical Mass" on June 3 in Briggs Hall, UC Davis campus, and on Zoom. (Photo by UC Davis distinguished professor Walter Leal)
Why California's Fruit Fly Invasion Is in a Crisis Mode
A noted authority on California's tropical fruit fly invasion says the state is in "crisis...
Clement Chow: Fruit Flies, Rare Diseases and the Accomplishments
Don't miss the UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology seminar by Clement...
The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is commonly used for biological research in genetics. (Photo courtesy of Wikpedia)
Presenting: A Butterfly and a Fly
A gray butterfly and a fruit fly... Each has "fly" in its name but one is a member of the...
A fruit fly, Neotephritis finalis, peers up at a gray hairstreak butterfly, Strymon melinus, in a bed of Coreopsis. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Closeup of a fruit fly, Neotephritis finalis, an organism commonly known as a "sunflower seed maggot." Green is reflected in its eyes. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)