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Posts Tagged: Santiago Ramirez
UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Program on Social Behavior of Bees, Focusing on Orchid Bees
Those charismatic and utterly spectacular orchid bees will take center stage in a virtual...
An orchid bee, easily distinguished by its brilliant coloration. (Photo by Santiago Ramirez)
An orchid bee in flight. (Photo by Santiago Ramirez)
A marked Euglossa dilemma female on a nest. (Photo by Thomas Eltz)
UC Davis Doctoral Student Analyzes Population Genetics of Africanized Honey Bees
A UC Davis doctoral student's newly published research analyzing the population genetics of...
Doctoral student Erin Calfee with her collecting net.
This is the cover of PLOS Genetics, featuring the research of population biologist Erin Calfee. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Researcher Santiago Ramirez to Discuss Those Amazing Orchid Bees
Have you ever marveled at those amazing male orchid bees, which gather perfume compounds to attract...
An orchid bee in flight. UC Davis researcher Santiago Ramirez will discuss his work at the fourth annual UC Davis Bee Sympoisum on March 3. (Photo by Santiago Ramirez)
The colorful orchid bees "are extremely charismatic organisms," says UC Davis researcher Santiago Ramirez. (Photo by Santiago Ramirez)
UC Davis Researcher to Discuss Fascinating World of Orchid Bees
In the human world, women may splash themselves with perfume to attract men, but did you know that...
Santiago Ramirez captured this image of an orchid bee on an orchid. The tropical bees are distributed throughout Central and South America.
An orchid bee in flight. (Photo by Santiago Ramirez)