![Cooperative Extension Ventura County](http://ucanr.edu/sb3/display/photos/19.jpg)
Posts Tagged: Initiative C Sharing Science
New UCCE Ventura Published Article - Management of Lewis Spider Mite in Strawberry
The article focuses on experiments performed in the laboratory and the field on the Lewis spider mite and the two-spotted spider mite. Tests were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of four types of predatory mites in controlling both kinds of spider mite. Miticide efficacy was also tested on the Lewis spider mite in bioassays.
These mites can cause serious damage to strawberry and other agricultural crops with subsequent financial loss to growers. Spider mite research is particularly relevant to Ventura County where strawberry production is the top crop grown and spider mite infestations have been on the rise.
Anna Howell is an experienced entomologist who has contributed her efforts to many research projects here at UCCE Ventura. Dr. Daugovish is UCCE's strawberry and vegetable crop adviser whose applied research benefits county growers and is an active contributor to "Strawberry Disorders: Identification and Management" website, a resource for assisting in diagnosing problems in strawberry.
You can view the entire article here.
Annual Cherimoya Meeting in April
The California Cherimoya Association will be holding its annual meeting on Sunday, April 13, 2014. The meeting will include a variety of speakers on subjects related to cherimoya production.
UCCE Advisor, Ben Faber, and other agricultural experts will discuss pollination, efforts to produce a seedless cherimoya, pruning and varieties of the fruit.
Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014
Time: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Hansen Agricultural Center
14292 W. Telegraph Rd.
Santa Paula, CA
Contact: Dario Grossberger
Cost of Admission: $20 (includes lunch), payment can be made through PayPal at dario@earthlink.net.
For more information and an agenda click here.
Making the most of pollinators in the orchard
A new publication, "How to Attract and Maintain Pollinators in Your Garden," (Publication 8498) has been added UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) catalog. The document is a collaboration of UC experts which includes an entomologist, laboratory assistants, landscape designer, photographer, and pomology expert.
Pollination is crucial to the survival of much of our ecosystems and maintaining viable environments for them to thrive provides not only benefits to personal outdoor space, but adds to the well being of the community at large.
This publication focuses on ways to make your garden and outdoor environment, including avocado orchards more attractive to pollinators by identifying pollinators and the plants and landscaping practices that appeal to them.
ANR Publication 8498 is free of charge and available as a downloadable PDF.
You can download this publication here.
bee guide
Drought, Fire and Flash Floods-National Weather Service talks at CSU Channel Islands
Drought is a regular threat here in Southern California where dry conditions prevail. The National Weather Services will holding two talks related to drought at California State University, Channel Islands. The talks are a part of the Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM) speaker's series and will feature speakers from local Weather Forecast offices.
We are currently experiencing drought conditions which can lead to fires and subsequent threats of flash floods and debris flows. The speakers will address these issues and how partnerships with local services can help minimize potential damage. The topics will cover:
- Growing Fire Weather Threat in Southern California
- Drought and Post Fire Flash Floods and Debris Flows
If you are interesting in attending:
Dates: February 13 and February 20, 2014
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
California State University, Channel Islands
1360 Broome Library
One University Dr.
Camarillo, CA 93012
Contact: Don Rodriguez, don.rodriguez@csuci.edu
See here for more information.
Spray Safe for Pesticide Safety
Support the agricultural community with the "Ventura Spray Safe" event. The Farm Bureau of Ventura County is seeking support for this event designed to educate agriculture industry workers and the general public about safe pesticide spraying practices.
While attendance is free of charge it also relies on donations to ensure its continuance. If you are interested in attending or contributing...
When: Thursday, March 6, 2014
Where: Ventura County Fairgrounds, Agriculture Building
Cost: No cost to attend, but contributions welcome
Contact: Brian Benchwick, 805-432-1182
Why: To promote practices to decrease pesticide-exposure incidents for sprayers.
For more details please see here.