Posts Tagged: chemical ecology
Great Recognition for Their Innovative Research
It's good to see the innovative research of two UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology...
Research highlights in the impact statement include the work of UC Davis Entomology and Nematology faculty members Rick Karban and Rachel Vannette.
Global Symposium: Chemical Ecologists Celebrate 'Life and Legacy of Wittko Francke'
He was a giant in the field of chemical ecology but he was much more than that. An...
Gathering in the hotel Onsen Ryokan (from left) the late Wittko Francke, the late Professor Kenji Moro of Tokyo University, Francke's widow, Heidi; and Mori's widow, Keiko. Kenji Mori was another giant in chemical ecology who passed away April 16, 2019. (Screenshot from April 3rd celebration of Life and Legacy of Wittko Francke)
Professor Monika Hilker of the Free University of Berlin shares her memories of Wittko Francke. (Screenshot)
Internationally known organic chemist Wittko Francke was known for his abundant and cherished wine cellar. (Screenshot)
A dinner party at the home of Wittko and Heidi Francke; Wittko is pouring wine. (Screenshot)
Michael Francke, the youngest of Wittko and Heidi Francke's sons, talks about his father. (Screenshot)
Chemical ecology icon Wendell Roelofs, emeritus professor, Cornell University, and his wife, Joanna, lead a toast to the late Wittko Francke as others join in. (Screenshot)
Christian Francke, the oldest of Wittko and Heidi's two sons, reveals that his father secretly donated much-needed sponsor funds to an International Society of Chemical Ecology convention using a phony business name, Daaks-Chemical Fund. (Screenshot)
UC Davis-Based Symposium to Celebrate Life and Legacy of Wittko Francke, 'Mozart of Molecules'
(Editor's Note: Watch the April 3rd celebration of the Life and Legacy of...
Renowned organic chemist Wittko Francke met with UC Davis researchers following his Dec. 8, 2010 presentation. From left are chemical ecologist Zain Syed of the Walter Leal lab; chemical ecologist and forest entomologist Steve Seybold (1959-2019) of the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, and the UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology; and UC Davis chemical ecologist Walter Leal. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
UC Davis distinguished professor Walter Leal is organizing the symposium to celebrate the life and legacy of a giant in the chemical ecology world.
Chemical Ecologist to Speak at UC Davis on 'The Smells of Dinner, Death, and Danger'
The title is intriguing: "The Smells of Dinner, Death, and Danger: How Organisms...
Nymphs of the squash bug, Anasa tristis, an insect that chemical ecologist Anjel Helms studies. (Photo courtesy of Anjel Helms)
A spotted cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum, an insect that chemical ecologist Anjel Helms studies. (Photo courtesy of Anjel Helms)
Walter Leal: Lighting the Way and Sparking the Fire of Knowledge
"I don't teach because I have to; I teach because it is a joy to light the way and to spark the...
UC Davis chemical ecologist Walter Leal, distinguished professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, has just been named recipient of the UC Davis Academic Senate's Distinguished Teaching Award for Undergraduate Students. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)