Posts Tagged: youth
4-H Sustainable You! Summer Camp
Day 5-Water Why is water important? Where does water go when you flush it down the toilet? What can you do to conserve water? We end the week with a very important topic-water! How much clean water do we have on earth to share with humans, animals,...
4-H Sustainable You! Summer Camp
Day 4- Food What is local food? Why buy local food? What is a food mile? Today we explore where our food comes from and delve into our complex global and local food system....How far does a pineapple or a cashew travel before it gets to your plate?...
Prey and predator gets us started on the topic of the day…food
starting a home garden in recycled containers
recycled silly planters
butternut squash seeds planted and ready to go home
another happy gardener
camper with planting
today's harvest, farm fresh strawberries
4-H Sustainable You! Summer Camp
Day 3-Energy What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy? Why is energy important? How can we conserve energy? Energy day is always popular and delicious! After contemplating journal questions and...
Electric train tag gets campers ready for the topic of the day...Energy
Teamwork makes pizza box solar oven construction easier and more fun.
S'mores in the oven, but where's the sun today?
Enjoying S'mores
Monitoring temperature in solar oven on an overcast day
smoothie assembly line
Pedal power
4-H Sustainable You! Summer Camp
Day 2-Land The day begins with journaling and a farm nature walk. Along the way, campers encounter evidence or indicators that animals use and call the farm home. Today is about understanding the importance of open space, natural resources and...
Land day farm nature walk
Farm nature walk
Evidence of life on the farm
Recycle Reuse Reduce
Waste watcher trash tracker updated each day
Learning about worm composting
Worm bin assembly line
Worms and more worms
Hands-on learning at its best
Worm bins to take home
Today's harvest, kale
2019 4-H Sustainable You! Summer Camp
UC HAREC began hosting 4-H Sustainable You! Summer Camp in 2014. Since then, the education staff has trained other UC Research and Extension Center (RECS) staff to deliver this curriculum created by Dr. Roslyn Brain of Utah State University. Similar...
tie dye activity
tie dyed camp shirts
Pondering the journal questions of the day
Planting seeds to grow indoor plants that can provide oxygen in our home environments