![Cooperative Extension Ventura County](http://ucanr.edu/sb3/display/photos/19.jpg)
Avocado growers: Your Participation is Needed Please
The California Avocado Commission is joining forces with Kevin Turner, UC Cooperative Extension goldspotted oak borer (GSOB) program coordinator (http://ucanr.edu/sites/gsobinfo/) in producing and distributing a number of roadside signs to help control the movement of pest infested firewood.
They are asking for avocado grower's participation in areas that are susceptible to the GSOB and/or the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB). GSOB susceptible areas include oak woodlands and forests while PSHB environments include avocado groves. Some of these susceptible locations are primarily focused in the Fallbrook, Escondido, Valley Center, and Alpine areas. Eventually signs will be developed that will feature both the GSOB and the PSHB and discourage movement of oak and avocado wood.
The signs can go in a variety of frame designs. Most signs are 4' x 8'and are normally inserted into a redwood frame, but can be as simple as posts and a piece of exterior plywood onto which the thin aluminum sheet sign can be attached. The signs should be placed visibly along major roadways or busy streets.
If you would like to participate by permitting signs to be placed on your property along major streets, please contact:
Kevin Turner, GSOB Program Coordinator, UCCE/UCR
951-452-6427 cell