![Cooperative Extension Ventura County](http://ucanr.edu/sb3/display/photos/19.jpg)
University of California
Cooperative Extension Ventura County
University of California Cooperative Extension Ventura Site Map
- Home Page
- 14th Annual Strawberry Grower Meeting
- 16th Annual Strawberry Growers of Ventura County Meeting
- About Us
- Additional: Organizations & Resources
- Agricultural Threats
- Climate Resilient
- Contact/Staff Info
- COVID-19 Resources
- Environmental Horticulture
- Landscape & Plant Pathology
- Research Reports
- Landscape Problems
- Diseases of Palm Trees: Some New Some Old
- General Strategies for Disease Management for Landscape Turfgrasses
- Quick Reference Guide to Major Diseases Affecting California Turfgrasses
- Snake oil, Horticultural Myths, Urban Horticultural Legends, Frauds and Carpetgaggers in our Industry
- Ten Principles of Plant Pathology
- Pruning Small Trees and Shrubs
- Floriculture & Nursery
- Landscape & Plant Pathology
- How to Submit a Sample
- Irrigation and Nutrient Management - Berry and Vegetable Crops
- Livestock & Range
- Master Gardener Program
- Santa Barbara County Coastal Gardener
- Home
- Landscape
- Pests Menu
- Africanized Honey Bee
- Ants
- Aphids
- Aphids on Roses
- Bee Swarm
- Black Vine Weevil
- Black Widow Spider
- California Laurel Aphid
- California Prionus Beetle
- Chinese Wax Scale
- Cottony Cushion Scale
- Cypress Canker
- Discouraging Cats
- Earwigs
- Flat Worm
- Fuchsia Gall Mite
- Gophers
- Grasshoppers
- Ground Squirrels
- Irregular Pine Scale
- Ladybird Beetles
- Leafcutter Bees
- Lecanium Scales
- Mice
- Milkweed and Boxelder Bugs
- Millipedes
- Moles
- Nocturnal Feeders
- Norfolk Island Pine Scale
- Oak Worms
- Pesticide Plunders
- Potato Bug
- Rabbit Control
- Red Gum Lerp Psyllid
- Roof Rats
- Rose Slugs
- Scale
- Scorpions
- Skunks
- Snails and Slugs
- Spiders
- Tobacco Budworm
- Whiteflies
- Yellow Jackets
- Viruses and Diseases Menu
- Algae
- Attracting Hummingbirds
- Broadleaved Weed Control in Lawns
- Controlling Oxalis by Replanting
- Controling Earthworms
- Crabgrass
- Crude Oil
- Daylily
- Deer Resistant-Tolerant Plants
- Duckweed
- Fertilizing Sandy Soil
- Hardpan
- Iron Chlorosis
- Jacaranda
- Lawn Causing Itching and Welts
- Lawn Fertilization and Watering
- Lawn Mowing Heights
- Lawn vs Tree
- Leaf Scorch on Japanese Mapel
- Lichens
- Lillies Poisonous to Cats
- Living with Oaks
- Moss
- Mosses, Alga and Slime Molds
- Mulches
- Mushrooms in Lawns
- Niger Seed in Bird Feed
- Poison Oak
- Propagating Williows
- Pruning Roses and Fruit Trees
- Pruning Trees to Speed Growth
- Queen Palm Problems
- Sparse Foliage and Large Seed Crops on Birch
- Sucker Growth on Roses
- Tip Dieback on Dogwood
- Trees Made Stronger by Bending in the Wind
- Yellow Lawns
- Pests Menu
- Vegtables and Fruit
- Pests, Viruses, and Diseases Menu
- Aphids on Citrus
- Black Fly
- Botrytis
- Brown Rot
- Cabbage Looper
- California Red Scale
- Codling Moth
- Fig Rust
- Fireblight
- Honeydew and Sooty Mold
- Late Blight on Tomatoes
- Omnivorous Leafroller
- Orange Worms
- Peach Leaf Curl
- Powdery Mildew
- Pumpkin Viruses
- Root Knot Nematode
- Scale on Citrus
- Squash Virus
- Tomato Horn Worm
- Tomato Russet Mites
- Walnut Blister Mite
- Walnuts Shriveled and Inedible
- Asparagus
- Avocado Nutrient Defieiency
- Avocado Fruit Set
- Chilling Hours
- Citrus Fruit Cracking
- Compacted Soil
- Compost and Composting
- Eucalyptus Mulch
- Fertilizing Fruit Trees
- Fertilizing Potted Plants
- Fireplace Ash
- Fruit Splitting
- Growing Avocado from Seed
- Growing a Pineapple from the Top
- Harvesting Avocados
- Harvesting Pears
- Harvesting Potatoes
- Medium for Planter Boxes
- Nectarine Problems
- Planting Trees
- Planting Vegetables
- Polinating Squash
- Poor Seed Germination
- Pruning Avocados
- Pruning Roses and Fruit Trees
- Pruslane
- Rehabilitation of Freeze Damaged Plants
- Root Sprouts
- Stop Olives from Bearing
- Strawberries
- Tomato Fruit Set
- Tomato Leaves Turning Yellow
- Tomato Problems
- Walnuts Shriveled and Inedible
- Will Bird Damaged Fruit Cause West Nile Disease
- Pests, Viruses, and Diseases Menu
- Gardening Information for Food and Landscape
- Master Gardener
- California Gardening
- UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program
- Santa Barbara County Coastal Gardener
- Mountain Fire Resources
- Natural Resources
- Newsletters
- Other County Offices
- Presentations
- Recent Meetings (Presentations)
- Resources
- Room Reservations
- Soil and Plant Testing Labs in California - 1999
- Vegetable Production and Water Management Meeting (12/9/10)
- Ventura County 4-H
- Ventura County Agriculture
- Climate Smart Agriculture
- Caneberry
- Avocado, Citrus, Minor Subtropicals
- Avocado Handbook
- Diseases
- Economics
- Fertilization
- Fire
- Frost Control/Freeze Damage
- Harvesting
- Horticulture
- Irrigation
- Miscellaneous
- Pest Control
- Physiological
- Resources
- Appraisers
- Avocado seed sources
- Avocado Topworkers of Ventura County
- Custom developers and managers
- Irrigation Supply Stores in Ventura County
- Licensed Avocado Nurseries 1999
- Marketing Organizations
- Organizations serving agriculture
- Sources of Agricultural Chemicals & Supplies
- Sources of windbreak trees
- Soil and Plant Testing Labs in California 2024
- Laurel Wilt Disease in Florida
- Why Water
- Interpreting Soil and Leaf Analyses
- Avocado Brainstorming 2018
- Minor Subtropicals
- Fruit and Nut Varieties
- Publications
- Diseases
- Frost
- Irrigation
- Analysis Terminology - 2003
- Avocado in a Drought - 2002
- Chemigation - 1997
- Calcium Carbonate Clogging of Irrigation Emitters - 1997
- ET to you - 1996
- One hundred thousand - 1999
- Predicting Water Requirements - 2002
- Portable Soil Moisture Meters - 1993
- Saline Waters - A Growing Problem - 2002
- Winter Irrigation - 1991
- Mulch
- Nutrition
- Other
- Seasonal
- Soil
- Diseases
- Citrus
- Tree and Vine Loss Value Calculator
- Helpful Links
- Avocado Handbook
- Strawberry
- Recent Meetings, Presentations and Video
- 7th Annual Strawberry Meeting - 2008
- 8th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting in Ventura County (9/1/09)
- 9th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting in Ventura County (9//1/10)
- 10th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting in Ventura County (9/7/11)
- 11th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting (8/31/2012)
- 12th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting - (9/5/2013)
- 13th Annual Strawberry Meeting (8/27/2014)
- 17th Annual Strawberry Growers Meeting
- 2019 Annual Strawberry Production Meeting in Ventura County
- Fumigants and fumigant alternatives (4/11)
- Alternative fumigants and fumigant alternatives: Research updates (5/7/10)
- 2013 Fumigation Meeting
- 2015 Fumigation Meeting
- 2016 Fumigant Meeting
- 2017 Fumigant Meeting
- May 10, 2018 Ventura County Vegetable Production Meeting
- 2023 Fumigant Meeting
- 18th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting
- 20th Annual Strawberry Production Meeing
- 22nd Annual Strawberry Production Meeting
- 2024 Fumigant Meeting
- 2011 Fumigant Meeting
- 23rd Annual Strawberry Production Meeting 2024
- Diseases
- Fumigants
- Production
- Insects
- Strawberry Information for General Public
- 2011 Fumigant Meeting
- 2010 Fumigant Meeting
- Recent Meetings, Presentations and Video
- Soils
- Ag Water Quality
- Best Management Practices to Protect Water Quality-English
- Best Management Practices to Protect Water Quality-Spanish
- Management Practices to Protect Water Quality: A Manual for Greenhouses and Nurseries
- Orchard Water Quality Management
- Grower Surveys
- Information Resources for Runoff Pollution Prevention
- Publications
- Water Quality Resources for Strawberry Growers in Ventura County and the Central Coast
- Water Quality Resources for Strawberry Growers in Ventura County*
- Vegetable
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- UC IPM Online Training
- Lompoc Ornamentals & Row Crop Pest Management Project
- GWSS - A Partial Host List
- GWSS Photos
- Publications
- The Glassy-winged Sharpshooter - a new threat for California citrus as a potential vector of CVC
- Coastal California Row Crop IPM - A Review
- Insect Monitoring Techniques for Row Crops
- The GWSS - A serious new PD vector for California Vineyards
- Protecting Vineyards from Pierce's Disease Vectored by the GWSS
- Citrus Cover Cropping Impace: A Case Study on Valencia Orange Yield, External Fruit Quality and on Key Beneficial and Pest Species
- Watersheds, Fires, and Natural Resources